2-5 , 30-60 , |
| Carl Chudyk |
| Alanna Cervenak Sarah Farooqi Robert Simmons |
| Asmadi Games |
| 2023-07-23 |
| (Watno) |
Boardgamegeek | 388367 |
| 0/5 |

- Age 11 cards (including new game end condition of drawing past 11 instead of drawing past 10)
- Age 10 standard achievement (need 50 points and Age 10)
- New icon in Ages 10 and 11
- New splay direction, aslant (splay up and right)
- All the Ages 1–10 cards have the same titles, but some of them have different effects.
- Minor changes made to text on special achievements, including timing (most are now achieved at the
of an action).
- Win by achievements is only checked at the end of each action
- "Junk" means remove from game, and there are cards that junk special achievements, standard
achievements, and whole ages of draw piles. Note that there are effects that can bring junked cards
into the game.
- "Self-execute" means execute the non-demand dogma effects and don't share them.
- New "parley" rules for games with 4+ players (excluding team games):
- Imagine the players are sitting in a circle. The player before you and the player after you
adjacent to you. The others are non-adjacent.
- If you want to share in a dogma effect of a non-adjacent player (assuming you have the
number of icons), you may choose to return a card from your hand.
- In order to avoid a demand effect from a non-adjacent player, you may choose to return a
from your hand.
- As an action on your turn, you may dogma a top card on a non-adjacent player's board by
returning a card from your hand (you still use your own icon count).
- New "chain" rule: If you are self-executing or super-executing a card as instructed during an effect
(like Computers tells you to do), and are instructed by that card to self-execute or super-execute
another card (say Robotics), before you do you draw and achieve an [11].
Echoes of the Past:
- you no longer draw an Echoes card at game start
- new draw rule if highest top card value is unique, draw Echoes instead of base
- foreshadowed cards now must be melded and executed on a Meld action
- forecast limit starts as 5, reduces to 1 depending on most advanced splay
- Destiny achievement only requires 5 cards in forecast now
- some effects have alternate execution if foreseen
- Echoes are now executed on self/super-executing, but not when dogmaing an artifact on display
Figures in the Sand
- no inspire, no echoes
- avatar icon on each card
- If you dogma a card and have a figure with the featured icon of that card, you can choose Avatar as the
featured icon instead (Auspice)
- Figures can't be dogmaed anymore
- Some Decree texts changed
Cities of Destiny
- endorse cost junk instead of tuck
- Glory and Victory now trigger on junk from your hand instead of tuck
- unsplay effect icon (4 arrows to the corners): unsplays the color on all opponent's boards
- uplift icon (X and arrow up): junks the deck of the next age, then draws a card of the age after
- junk achievement effect icon (X): junks an achievement of the city's age
- Cities can't be dogmaed anymore
Artifacts of History
- no relics
- there are 5 available museums
- at start of turn, you may free dogma your artifact on display. Regardless of whether you do, you
take a museum and put the artifact there (unless it's no longer on display after the execution)
- instead of digging a new artifact, you may steal an artifact from an opponent's museum of the
value you would dig (before skipping empty ages)
- on all museums full, sole plurality artifact holder achieves one, rest returned
- if all museums achieved, activated artifacts go to hand from display
The Unseen
- you no longer draw an Unseen card at game start
- effects that safeguard available standard achievements, and sometimes other cards, as secrets in
your safe
- secrets achievable with achieve action
- safe limit starts as 5, reduces to 1 depending on most advanced splay
- draw rule if drawing a card for the first time on a turn and it would be a base card, instead
Unseen, Echoes draw rule takes precedence
- state-based special achievements (all in Unseen) checked after each action only, in share
Card images are still work in progress and might be behind the implementation in some cases, sorry for any
confusion that will arise from that.
One card from the Unseen expansion (Teleprompter) has a different effect than in the physical version.
Apart from the new rules, there were some clarifications/changes the implementation of which might have
some bugs:
- When moving multiple cards at the same time, you now move them one by one instead of first building
up a
selection. It is possible that new cards become eligible due to this, which is how it's intended to
- You are now required to reveal cards to show their color/icons when a game effect depends on that,
order to "prove" that you're not cheating.
- The implementation of selecting cards by their back changed (again!).
Please watch out for these!
Cards are always drawn face-down in order to allow more undos. Once you reveal them with the "Reveal
cards"-button, you are no longer able to undo past that point.
The number of cards in a stack on your board is indicated by the number in the bottom right. If the
stack is splayed, the icons revealed by the splay are shown below the top card.
To view the cards contained in the stack, click the number in the bottom right. This is also how you
select those cards for an effect.
You can click on any area containing cards to see the cards in that area.
Cards you have trackable information about are shown face-up, even if they are in an area you can't
(such as an opponent's hand).
When clicking a draw pile or the i-Icon on a facedown card in your hand, all cards with that back
don't know the position of will be shown (these are the cards that could be there).
When selecting cards on your board, colors are used to indicate what type of action will be
- Red: Dogma
- Black: Dogma, but at least one opponent will share / not be affected (also, a warning
icon will be displayed).
- Orange: Endorse
You can hover a card name in the log or the grey status bar to view the full card (or tap on
In order to display the cards on a player's board in a single row even on smaller displays, they can
shrink a lot with the standard settings.
If you want the cards to be displayed bigger, but with a linebreak, increase the "minimum card
width" in
the settings.
By default, the board of the most recently active opponent is displayed. By clicking in their info
areas, you can toggle additional opponents' boards.
In the settings you can change this to always displaying all opponents' boards, or just a single
opponent's board.
When selecting cards from a location where you are mot allowed to look at the cards, there are two
If the location is one you control (for example, your claimed achievements) or a neutral location
the junk), you can select a card by it's back and position in that location (cards will always go
to enter on the left, to last to enter on the right).
On the other hand, if the location is one controlled by an opponent (such as their hand), you can
a card back, and a random card with that back will be selected (this simulates your opponent
the cards, as they would in real life).
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